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Award Order Information
*You can order other styles not shown, these are just examples.
*You must order 4 of each item to get the quoted pricing
*It’s best to keep your text as minimum as possible, you will get much cleaner looking product
*I will choose buckle / concho choices. (You can choose for an additional fee)
*You choose leather color, style, hide color (You may choose different hides and Text)
*All items will come the same leather color (Medium or Dark Oil)
*If paying via cc/debit add 4% convenience fee. No additional fees if paying by check.
*Call or message on FB to order.
Headstall / Breastcollar Styles:
*AJ Style w/ Stamped Lettering: Breastcollar $290 / Headstall (photo coming soon, matches breastcollar) $230
*Braided Style: Breastcollar $290 / Headstall $230
*Wicked Style Breastcollar w/ Laser engraving & hand tooled border (As shown below): $345
OR take off tooled border and replace with spots/crystals for $320 each
*Corona Style: w/ Laser engraving $270 / Headstall $215
*Scallop w/ Patch: Breastcollar $270 / Headstall $215 (headstall photo not updated, will match breast collars)
*Sleek Style Printed Headstall: $215 (can print any non copywrited image)
*Sleek Style Lasered Headstall: $235
*Laser Engraved 2015 Style: Breastcollar $270 / Headstall $215 (headstall photo is most current, breast collars will match these)
*Printed Rectangle Style: Breastcollar $270 / One Ear Headstall $215 or browband $255
*Fully Hand Tooled Wicked Style: Breastcollar $380, Headstall $260
*Scallop Breastcollar w/ Fringe $320 (use scallop or 2015 style headstall to match)
*Scallop w/ laser engraving & Bling: Breastcollar $330 / Headstall $230
The Works: $830.00 per set. If you want all the options, we can do that too!
Halter Styles:
*Full Leather Printed Halter: $195 each (Can be done in any style)
*Full Leather Halter w/ Engraved Lettering Patch: $210 each (left elegant style, right 2020 style)
Single Nosebands:
*Elegant Printed Style Bronc Nosebands: $90 Each
*Elegant Style Noseband w Patch: $99 Each (better w less text)
*Traditional Printed: $90 each
*Traditional Laser Engraved: $99 each
Bell Boot Holders (Holds 7 pairs of boots):
*$65 each
Bit Guards:
*$30 per pair
*60 per pair
Photo Wallets:
*$125 Each, can use any non copywrited images
Cell Phone Case for Saddle:
*$75 Each
*$25 each, minimum of 5
Logo Keychains:
$25 each, minimum 5
Horse Head Club Keychains:
* $35 each
Baby Powder Holders:
* Random hides and conchos, $50 each.
Spur Straps:
* Regular style strap, $75 each. From now on all letters will be on a patch.
* Simple style strap, $60 each. Very Limited Text.
Chapstick Holders:
* $25 Each!
Cosmetic Cases:
*$50 each, approx 9" x 5"
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