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Meet the creator
Welcome! I'm so glad you found my website! My name is Amanda and i am the owner here at Rockin' A. My goal is to create unique, quality custom tack with amazing customer service. My favorite item to make is tack sets! Purchasing good custom tack is an investment, it will hold its value if you decide to sell it when you change styles. Buying tack made from cheap leather will break in a short amount of time, and think if you are using it when this happens!
I handmake everything here, nothing is purchased to resell. My products are made with either top quality harness & bridle leathers, or live oak tooling leather. I use quality hardware, and crystals that will last you a lifetime when properly cared for. I start with full cowhides and cut each piece out, hand tool if needed, glue layers together, sew, finish edges and add conchos / embelishments to your specifications! My website is very user friendly, so feel free to take a look around! I am happy to answer any questions you may have.
People often ask how i learned to do leatherwork. Its a fun story! A friend of mine made me a bronc noseband and I asked if he would show me the basics so I could make one for another horse. From there i posted a couple photos on my personal facebook page and things took off from there! Soon I was building my own facebook business page and things skyrocketed from there. I am the only worker (other than my husband pitching in for a few hours here or there) to get everything done from keeping the website up to date, bookkeeping, replying to messages, ordering supples, and whatever else you can think of. It is a TON of work and i never get to do the 9-5 thing :P but i wouldnt have it any other way!
- Amanda